Faith... because it all starts here.
God's love, grace, mercy, etc. ... all of which I have experienced deeply over the last year.
Family... for keeping me sane through this last year.
Friends... see above.
Music... the language that allows me to express my joy, sorrow, praise, gratefulness, and a whole range of other emotions without having to find the words.
Being laid off... as Scott Krippayne says, "Remind me this is more than just a mountain - soon to be a story I can tell of Your faithfulness. I will not forget. Take me to the place."
The new CD... may it be as much of an encouragement to others as it has been to me while making it.
Making jewelry... not only something I can do to earn income, but something to express creativity.
The Word of God... even when our pastor uses it to kick my butt on a Sunday morning.
The 10 things that make life easier... see previous post for the list.
Looping pliers, step pliers, and flat nose pliers... if you work in wire, you understand. If not, trust me. These are VERY good things.
The Internet... even if Al Gore did invent it. Keeps me in touch, provides information and entertainment, and allows me to know the financial plight of people in Uganda. And why I should send them money right away. That stuff is all true, right?...
Our church... this is covered under family and friends, but let's put it right out there - we love our church family!
Folks in Retirement Communities... because they like music, they ask cool questions, and it makes me smile to watch them as I play for them.
CPAP... keeps a fella breathing all through the night. And not snoring, thus shaking Vicki out of bed and making Ezri come over and see what all that noise is about.
Babbling on a Blog... which would wrap up this list.
Happy Thanksgiving, friends!
and as Tiny Tim would say,
"God Bless Us, Every One!"