The Whistler's Dream

Everybody needs a dream...
Mine is to go to Oklahoma and play whistles for The Pioneer Woman. (Having been invited, not in a "creepy stalker" kind of way, for the record.) Heck, I'd play in a pup tent in the backyard for the joy of the cows and critters. What can I say? I'm a fan.
Everybody needs a dream...

Random Fluffy Foto!

Random Fluffy Foto!
Writing in bed, and Beka editing by ear. Really. The ear typed some letters. Really.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Friday / Saturday Funny Fluffy - Bekapalooza!

Well, I've actually made it through a month or so of the new "publishing schedule." It's the sort of thing that bloggers are supposed to do - let your readers know when new stuff is out, so they might look forward to it with anticipation.

4.78 readers at a time, that is...

And, as I promised, when I'm at week's end and don't really have anything funny or fluffy to add to the weekend, we get the obligatory picture of Beka...

Like, for example, when she contorts herself into something like that. And pretty well convinces me that her bones are rubber.

Yup. That's the ticket. That's what I'm talkin' about. Whoomp, there it is.

When your legs go on for, oh, several MILES, I guess you have options...

Many options...

Many, many options...

Some of which, frankly, I don't want to think about.

And others that are just plain hilarious... like forgetting to unlock the back legs before the front ones collapse into the chair and we fall asleep with our hiney in the air. WAY too funny...


Oops - sorry.  Let's get back to something like this, shall we?...

All better now?


I'll take that as a "yes." *Tiptoes from room, letting sleeping Beka lie...*

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