Ok - let's see, I owe you some new stuff around number 14 or 15, as well as that re-write on number 10, right? No worries - I'm good for it...
Aversionis: distraction (of attention / from the point)
Aversionis: distraction (of attention / from the point)
(Source: William Whitaker's Words)
My Beloved can tell you about hamster mode. And she's very patient about hamster mode.
(Repeat the Vicki mantra here - if you see my wife today, give her a hug. She needs extra hugs...)
Shauna Niequist, in her book Cold Tangerines,
which in spite of being a "girl" book (if it really is a "girl" book -
I'm not sure it is...) taught me a ton about how I look at life,
inspired me to consider writing as a way to express myself, and made me
believe that a creative life is worth pursuing, describes what I have
come to call "hamster mode." She tells how sometimes at night, her brain
starts whirring around like a hamster on a wheel, and that writing is
where she lets the hamster out of the cage and allows him to run around
the desk for a while, to see where he goes.
Dang, I wish I had written that.
hamster mode, for me, is where my brain is jumping from idea to idea,
thought to thought, without much room between jumps. The ideas and
thoughts kind of pile up, spill over, and randomly emerge from my mouth,
without any sort of order or relation to each other. Writing is where
my hamster gets out of the cage, dances around the table at Biggby for a
bit, sticks his tongue out at me, shakes his tail in my face, and runs
away, laughing as he goes, leaving little blessings in his wake. I have a
mean hamster.
really should name the hamster. Maybe I'll call him "Steve." Why Steve?
It's a pretty name. "Oh great and powerful Steve - Whaddya WANT?"
(Captain Cal's Reader's Theatre presents a scene based on Over The Hedge. Thank you for your support.)
a person with a bit of order and discipline in their nature would
realize that, mixed in with the aforementioned thoughts, ideas and
poopy, is some stuff that really should be remembered, so they would
take the time to either write it down as it comes or at least use a
little recorder (or their phone) to grab voice memos to refer to later.
They would know this about themselves, so they would be prepared at
unusual times to grab these fleeting inspirations, since you never know
when the hamster is going to kick you in the frontal lobe. (Or wherever
it is that such doo doo comes from - Eldest Niecelet knows that sort of
thing... I don't.)
TGeorge is this type of person. I love her for this. I wish I was her for this. Greg is glad that I'm not.
of course, am not a person with a bit of order and discipline. I can't
even spell discipline. The reason you see it correctly spelled here is
because a) the spell checker on the ol' iPad keeps marking it as if to
say, "Dude, didn't I just TELL
you about this?"; and b) The Proofreader is faithful in all her ways
and, under her gentle hand, much that is incomprehensible and jumbled
becomes smooth and straight.
Insert the Vicki mantra here...
hamster mode kicks in, random thoughts and ideas pop out, most of which
get left in the ether someplace, and I wander about, not really knowing
what just happened.
No, I'm not ADD, for the record. I was tested, I do have some of those tendencies, but I'm really not AD... OOH! A Squirrel!!!
What was I saying?
(The preceding was a shout out to my brother Ludge who understands that joke better than most.)
I get distracted. A lot. I use some tricks here and there to try and
keep focused when I really need to - the operative word here being
have a purple notebook that contains many, many random things in no
order. The theory is that things get noted in there, since writing them
down is faster than getting out the device, turning it on, opening some
sort of memo app, and typing it in. (Who has that kind of time when a
small rodent is nibbling at your cerebral cortex? "Get thee behind me,
STEVE!" Oh great - guess what he's nibbling now? Ewwww...)
reality is that either I forget to get the thing out; I totally blow
past the fact that stuff is in there to be acted on, and the notebook
stays happily (or not) in my backpack; or I scrawl things down so
quickly that when I refer to it later, it comes out something like "get
rizzleflap out are bongo day home urp!!!" Oh, and add a few stars to
make sure I notice this very important... something.
I even have a cool name for the notebook: the RIGA (Remote Information Gathering Apparatus). If you're going to be a train wreck, organizationally speaking, you at least have to have cool acronyms.
side note... if I start a list, leave it out where I'll remember to see
it and use it, magically, things get added to the list, in a completely
different handwriting than mine. Odd how that happens - every time.
Someone in my house LOVES lists, and I ain't talking about Ezzie the
Wonder Dog...)
(Amusing side note 2... I have a tab marker thingie to find my place in the notebook marked "Wonderwall." As in, "Today is gonna be the day that they're gonna throw it back to you." I wouldn't even know those words if it wasn't for Jeremy Hoekstra. Thanks, Jer.)
trick I use for focus: loom knitting. Some of my First Cov peeps will
notice that when I have a Sunday off from worship team, I can be found
sitting upstairs in the balcony, and am usually knitting for the whole
service. Here, then, are the reasons for that: 1) I sit upstairs because
my beloved NEVER takes a Sunday off from the tech team, so this way we
sit "together" once in a while; 2) as I'm knitting, my ears are wide
open. I'm actually hearing and retaining much more than if I was just
sitting listening, even if I was reading along on the iPad;
(Yes, I do have a Bible app on my iPad, and I LOVE it! PocketBible for iPad ROCKS!)
if I'm knitting during the service, I'm not standing or sitting there
getting twitchy and antsy because I don't have some instrument in my
hands, and not thinking that I wish I was up there playing along.
Keeping my hands busy and my mind engaged keeps me from wanting to be
bass boy (or keyboard boy or wind controller boy or whistle boy or...
you get the idea) for the morning. I can actually be off for a week,
instead of spazzing out over not playing.
anyplace where I'm trying to listen and focus, and think I can get away
with it without offending someone, I'll be loom knitting. If you were
to come across me at Biggby some morning, you might find me listening to
the Daily Audio Bible on the iPod while knitting. Same deal.
I have issues. And they are deep and wide ranging.
So, I'm now at around 1100 words and climbing, and haven't gotten to the point. Ain't hamster mode neat?
The point is, I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets distracted. Can I get a witness, brethren and sistern? Hallelujah! Amen! Get ye down!
life is distracting. Then dump a few weeks of holiday happenings on top
of it, set the blender to "Whip it! Whip it GOOD!" and what do you get?
A primordial ooze that would make Carl Sagan drool with joy, were he
still around to do so. No wonder we can't see our way through it - no
scuba mask in the world is gonna keep our vision clear in that, not even
if you spit on it and wipe it around to keep the mask from fogging up.
Or am I the only one who ever did that?
in the name of Fats Waller are we expected to mindfully find our way
through Advent, coming out the other side with hearts and heads ready
for the King to take His throne? How do we walk into the new year with
our focus on Him, following Him in the adventure He has for us?
In the words of Master Oogway (Kung Fu Panda 1), "I don't know."
great news is this: We aren't being graded on neatness (as my beloved
would put it, "this isn't a 4-H project!"). We don't have to reach a
certain grade in Advent 101 to pass. No final exam (not yet, anyway), no
10,000 word essay on the cultural significance of fruitcake (ba-dum-DUM!), no more school room, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks.
Hmm... that sounds familiar for some reason.
Father God who sent His Son knows us and loves us, in all our quirks
and issues, in all our frailty and distractions, in our striving to keep
our heads clear and our eyes focused. He cheers when we take baby steps
forward, and holds out His arms to catch us when we stumble. He sees
our sincere attempts to make space for Him, and it touches His Father's
heart. He smiles when His kiddos sing the songs of Christmas, when the
little ones put on the costumes and tell the stories, when the organ
cranks up to the final verse and we all belt out,
Lord, we greet Thee on this happy morning! Jesus, to Thee be all glory
given! Word of the Father, now in flesh appearing..."
our Advent is hectic, imperfect, distracted, and not as pure and
focused as we hoped it would be a couple of weeks ago? That's okey
dokey. Our Father knows who we are, He knows how we sincerely try, and
He meets us where we are with love and grace, as we keep moving toward
Him. The point is, keep moving. Keep trying. Keep looking, watching,
wondering, praising, loving and living for the King. Then room will be
found for Him, and other things will find their place under His feet.
Keep moving Him back to the center, setting the other stuff aside, and
when things shuffle and quake, move them around again and bring Him back
to where He always should be - at the center of our hearts and lives.
That's Advent.
Aversionis: distraction (of attention / from the point)
"Oh come, let us adore Him. Oh come, let us adore Him. Oh come, let us adore Him...
Christ the Lord!"
(O Come All Ye Faithful, John Wade / trans. Frederick Oakley)
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