The Whistler's Dream

Everybody needs a dream...
Mine is to go to Oklahoma and play whistles for The Pioneer Woman. (Having been invited, not in a "creepy stalker" kind of way, for the record.) Heck, I'd play in a pup tent in the backyard for the joy of the cows and critters. What can I say? I'm a fan.
Everybody needs a dream...

Random Fluffy Foto!

Random Fluffy Foto!
Writing in bed, and Beka editing by ear. Really. The ear typed some letters. Really.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Phunny Photo Phriday... Um, Phaturday... Maybe Phunday?... Dang... it's Monday - that's not Phunny...

Saturday morning is usually laid back around Bekahaus. We snooze, I tend to ignore my normal alarm time of 4:15 in the VERY AM, and allow myself the luxury of sleeping until, I dunno, maybe 6:30 in the VERY AM.

I'm a wild man sometimes.

So, this Saturday past, after I had already gotten up, made some coffee, and come back to grab whatever oddities I had left on my bedside table, BekaV decided to move from her usual place of repose (taking at least 2/3rds of my bed...), to conquer new lands.

She ventured forth, into the uncharted lands of MommaBed, to lay claim to them for her own name and posterity.

"I claim this land, this person, and all connected allegiances, possessions, tributaries, and doggie bacon strips, in the name of Beka Valentine, Queen of all she surveys."

And there was much yawning in the land, even from the new monarch. I did mention it was 6:30 in the VERY AM, right?

Thanks for joining us for a Phunny Photo... something. Tune in next time to hear her majesty, Queen Beka, respond to questions about future plans of assimilation in the surrounding lands, adjacent rooms, and (perish the thought), the kitchen...


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